
Shum Heads

Yoni is a sensitive and proud wee soul. She requires a great deal of respect to flourish and never truly trusts anyone, although wishes she could.  Her past has developed her wisdom, hardened her slightly and left her with the core belief that she will inevitably be abandoned by those of whom she opens her heart to. She likes attention but can be rather selective on receiving. Her best friend is Taylor. Taylor gives her a rub from time to time to cheer her up, especially if feeling at all grouchy. She is good company for Taylor, who enjoys looking after her and listening to her nonsensical ramblings. Although she doesn't always show it, Taylor knows she appreciates him and this gives him great comfort. Her pride gets the better of her at times and, if not mindful, Yoni can become stubborn and distant. 

©Shay Crinkle 2016
