
And here she comes
The light
Strutting her stuff 
Teeth and smiles
Voice solid and warm
Head tall
Shoulders back
Eyes wide and focused 

Living for the beauty of now
No worries or thoughts
For what was 
Or what is yet to come 
She dives into the unknown

Alive and wonderful 
Turning heads and stealing eyes
A fascinating mystery 
A precious jewel with a flirtatious tongue 
Juices flowing through her creative mind
Refreshingly unpredictable and exciting

She glides across the floor
And into your space
Comfortable and calm
Confident and content

She needs for no one, nothing
Wants for nothing less than magic
Settles for nothing less
Eyes peeled in wonder
You step closer

She takes your hand 
Challenges your mind, your thoughts
Jokes, laughs, plays
You watch, wait
For what she does next

She Gazes into your eyes
Brightens your soul
And twirls off into the moonlight.

Shay Crinkle 2015
