Soup Of The Day

The classroom door creaks open
A thick, rumbling racket
Soup on boil
So full it'd clog
Your ears up
To the drum

The slow slushy hushes
Of the shy 
Simmer secretively among 
The cheeky chattering chomps
Of those who never could
Cease to pause the patter for a penny

Grinning gurgling girlies 
Gasp and glare at their fancied few
Always too exotic to be sampled

The booms of the boy who
Boiled over at the flick of a switch
Garnished in a mess of slurps and squeals
Of the soul who serenaded his every move
In fear of being frazzled by his flames

Tapping toes travel from table to table
Teacher stirs the pot

Gulping guests
Haven't quite got to grips
With the density of this soup
Swallow hard  
In hopes that one day
They too
May master the lumps.

Shay Crinkle 2016
