
Who knew the mushroom
Soup would be so bloody thick?
The shrooms whole
Tough. Still shapen.
Slime suited bouncers 
Guarding their swamp from the
Gnashers that battle with them
On their way to my throat
The hot, wet canal to digestion.
Swallow quick before your stomach
Thinks too hard
Spits it back up.
Spoon carves trenches in the 
Marshland brown.
Dark, deep, dense.
Blackened herbs marble my teeth.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
Thinking could spoil the opportunity
To satisfy
Hungover stomach pangs 
Persistent hunger and nausea.
With repsect to the mushroom
I surrender.
Lift the bowl
Scoop it down my throat
Perhaps to be seen again
A little later on.

ShayCrinkle 2016
